Thank you for being here with me today!


Be Content Yoga is a yoga practice that offers private yoga classes to all yogis — no matter the level of experience — who are serious about building a consistent yoga practice starting from where they are today. I believe that yoga is for everybody and that the gift of alignment between the body, mind, and soul can be achieved by anyone who wants it.

I make time to enjoy the things that bring me contentment. For me that looks like spending time with my family and friends, practicing yoga, and curling up with a good book!

My name is Christen.

I am the creator of Be Content Yoga, and I’m also a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner.

I enjoy connecting with those who are new to yoga and with yogis who have been practicing for some time. I offer private yoga sessions in person for local clients, and virtually for clients who live in different areas or prefer that format.

When I’m not practicing yoga, I’m spending time with my family and friends or spending time out in nature. I also really love learning about astrology so I make sure to devote time to studying charts and learning new things about how the planets influence human behavior and life in general. But don’t worry, I won’t bore you with my big three :) because we’re coming together to practice the art of yoga!

I created a career for myself working for non-profit organizations as a strategist, writer, and editor. I’m so excited that I’m now able to help people in another way — through the practice of yoga, and not just asanas, but also in how we treat ourselves and one another (known as the Yamas and Niyamas). I’ve personally learned so much through the principles of yoga, and I believe my life has been better for it. I see this in how I show up for myself, how I show up for others, and how I show up on my yoga mat.

It’s part of the reason Be Content Yoga exists. Be Content Yoga is not just a fun name, it’s a way of life that is based on the yoga principle, Santosha, which is the Sanskrit word for contentment or satisfaction. Santosha explores finding contentment from within, rather than seeking it externally — from other people, experiences, or things. I truly believe that striving to live a life of contentment is so important, and that’s why my entire yoga practice is based on the concept.

Whether or not you can do a headstand, or touch your toes, there is still space for contentment in your yoga practice, and I’m here to help guide you through that.